All about codes

One powerful feature is the usage of "codes". A code is an unique sequence of letters, numbers and symbols that can be used for granting discounts and for handling "gift cards". The are three type of codes:
  • "Monetary value" or "gift card" - is a code that upon usage is converted to store credit and thus has an intrisic  monetary value
  • "Percentage discount" - a code that upon usage will grant the user the respective percentage discount from a purchase done in case of enrollments, bookings or webshop orders.
  • "Value discount" - a code that upon usage will grant the user the respective value discount from a purchase done in case of enrollments, bookings or webshop orders.

Monetary value vs. discount

The important thing to realise about monetary value (or gift card) codes is that this code upon redeeming will be converted to store credit and thus its usage cannot be limited to, for example, only enrollments or only bookings, or only a certain course category, etc. The end-user who receives and redeems the code will get store credit (that never expired) that can be used for anything.

If limiting the use of the code is most important, then discount codes should be used. The usage of regular discount codes (both percentage and value) can be limited for example only for enrollments, and even more only to selected course categories, or only for bookings (and further more per resource). The discount codes can also be made "general use" or specific for a certain user.